Today marks the beginning of Lent and from this day; we are invited, for the next 40 days to enter into a different way of living as we seek to deepen our relationship with God, […]
Cornelia & Bernard Noghiu's Blog
Today marks the beginning of Lent and from this day; we are invited, for the next 40 days to enter into a different way of living as we seek to deepen our relationship with God, […]
Immediately after the New Year, during a meeting with the members of the team ministry, the issue was raised – taking into account the still complicated situation due to the pandemic – of new ideas […]
I. A few days before the session, the following text could be sent to the participants in order to better prepare and be active. 1. Luke 24 can be divided: a) 24:1-10; b) 24:11; c) […]
I. A few days before the session, the following text could be sent to the participants in order to better prepare and be active. 1. Luke 22:66 – 23:56 can be divided: a) 22:66-71; b) […]
Nici o lună de când m-am mutat în locul unde locuiesc acum și m-am trezit cu câteva mașini grele parcând pe străduța, de obicei foarte liniștită. Un loc care părea să fie izolat de zgomotul […]