John 19:25b-27 After the agitation during the journey to the place of the crucifixion, during his ascension to the cross and the moments that followed immediately, when some mocked Jesus, the text we just read […]
Cornelia & Bernard Noghiu's Blog
John 19:25b-27 After the agitation during the journey to the place of the crucifixion, during his ascension to the cross and the moments that followed immediately, when some mocked Jesus, the text we just read […]
Ioan 19:25b-37 După agitația din timpul drumului spre locul răstignirii, din timpul urcării sale pe cruce și momentele ce au urmat imediat, când unii își băteau joc de Isus, textul pe care tocmai l-am citit […]
And here we are taking the step five of the nine steps we set out to do in this Lent. As we promised with the previous step, the video fragment is also subtitled in Romanian. […]
Hi, everyone. This evening I invite all of you to reflect together on the final chapter of the book of Genesis. The central point of this reading is forgiveness, born of faith and love and […]
The time has come for the fourth “step” out of the 9 we decided to do together during this Lent. You can find the video fragment below. If, until now, you have not watched the […]