(Matthew 5:17-19) [10 June 2020] The subject chosen for this meditation, first glance, seems that involves many pitfalls. We know that Jesus often came into conflict with the Pharisees and Sadducees because they put their […]
Cornelia & Bernard Noghiu's Blog
(Matthew 5:17-19) [10 June 2020] The subject chosen for this meditation, first glance, seems that involves many pitfalls. We know that Jesus often came into conflict with the Pharisees and Sadducees because they put their […]
Textul ales ca bază a meditației de astăzi este unul scurt, dar provoacă multe întrebări (Marcu 12:18-27). Creștinii sunt de acord că nu putem să ne gândim la realități spirituale încercând să le înțelegem folosind […]
Matthew 28:16-20 Holy Trinity! A big word and a source of so many discussions and heresies. The theological debate about the relations between the persons of the Holy Trinity started with the very first years […]
The text chosen as the basis of today’s meditation is a short one, but it provokes many questions. Christians agree that we cannot think about spiritual realities by trying to understand them using the “measures” […]
– Bună ziua, tovarășe (comrade)! Deși salutul a fost făcut în limba engleză, am tresărit, simțind un fior rece, fără să înțeleg care este motivul acestei reacții. – Bună ziua, tovarășe! Ai puțin timp să […]