Mid-week Reflection – (Matthew 23:27-32) [26th August 2020] We were a small group. We had decided to support a person who needed care. We made a plan. We presented every amount of money we could […]
Cornelia & Bernard Noghiu's Blog
Mid-week Reflection – (Matthew 23:27-32) [26th August 2020] We were a small group. We had decided to support a person who needed care. We made a plan. We presented every amount of money we could […]
Peste vreo 20 de zile voi sărbători sau voi petrece pentru a marca un an de la plecarea noastră din Londra și mutarea în orașul de pe estuarul Tamisei spre Marea Nordului, oraș luat cu […]
Mid-week Reflection (Matthew 20:1-16) [19th August 2020] If you’re used to keeping a diary, I’m sure you’ve written many times that it’s time to do something to change something in your life and pay more […]
Mid-week Reflection – (Matthew 18:19-20) [12th August 2020] We are in the week in which the festival of the Blessed Virgin Mary appears on the calendar of the Church of England, for the 15th of […]
Mid-week Reflection (Matthew 15:21-28) [5th August 2020] In his book, Incarnational Mission: Being with the World, Samuel Wells, tells the story of Charles, a gynaecologist from Senegal. He was trained in Dakar, Paris and London. […]