I. A few days before the session, the following text could be sent to the participants in order to better prepare and be active. 1. Luke 5-8 can be divided: a) 5:1-11 – The fishing; […]
Cornelia & Bernard Noghiu's Blog
I. A few days before the session, the following text could be sent to the participants in order to better prepare and be active. 1. Luke 5-8 can be divided: a) 5:1-11 – The fishing; […]
Un grup de trei tinere împing cărucioarele pentru copii printre rafturi. Se mișcă cu o abilitate ca și cum asta ar fi făcut toată viața. Câte un cumpărător grăbit își cere scuze, zâmbind vinovat, dacă, […]
I. A few days before the session, the following text could be sent to the participants in order to better prepare and be active. 1. Luke 4 can be divided: a) 4:1-13 – Jesus in […]
I. A few days before the session, the following text could be sent to the participants in order to better prepare and be active. 1. Luke chapter 1, verses 5 to chapter 3, verses 38, […]
I. A few days before the session, the following text could be sent to the participants in order to better prepare and be active. 1. Read the text from the Gospel according to Luke, chapter […]