I wanted to try with new flowers in my garden. The flowers in the photo on the bag of bulbs looked fantastic. I planted them in a long row on the space between the grass bed and the pea line. Later, ribbon-shaped fragile leaves appeared. Hardly, among the first two leaves, a fragile stem began to rise with a sharp bud at the top. Then the first flower. I discovered it early in the morning, when I was watering the garden. It was a fantastic flower. I wanted to show my wife too, but she had already left home. She was to return by noon. When she returned, I asked her to follow me to the garden to show her something special. The flower was already gone. But I managed to show her the next flowers that appeared.
The shorter the life of this flower, the more beautiful it is. I almost wonder why so much energy investment to produce such a beautiful flower if it has such a short life.
Thinking about this while admiring a new flower on another plant, a verse from Psalm 8 came to mind: “What are human beings that you are mindful of them, mortals that you care for them?” (verse 4).
If God has invested so much beauty and energy in a flower that lives for a couple of hours, what can I say about a human being? About you, about me …
What a beautiful flower! I would like to grow one of these in our garden. I think the fact it is in bloom for such a short period of time makes it all the more special. Imagine if you had not witnessed the bloom? Your wife will be camping out in the garden for the next bloom 😆
Thank you Heidi. You can find bulbs to buy, but they had to be planted early (late March – early April). They grow very slowly…